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Doctors of the Era

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Why does a student want to be a doctor?

Becoming a doctor is the dream of more than 50% school going children and their families. The reason is medical profession is considered the noblest profession, humanitarian work which helps people directly, and one more accepted reason in society for business purposes is to run their family hospital, It’s difficult to have data to share the percentage of such doctors.

Why it’s difficult?

Another stigma in society especially to poor or middle-class family their children can’t be a doctor because it’s too costly. I still remember,  when the first time I said ‘I wanted to be a doctor ‘ everyone started laughing at me. I wasn’t aware of it – why they are laughing after a few days  I understand that my family can’t afford medical education, because the family should have money in crores. But I never stop dreaming to become a doctor. Later I realized that society has the wrong impression including my family. These two categories of medical education – Government & Non-Governmental (Private). Government Medical colleges are few and limited seats, where the candidate needs to clear competitive exams like other competitive exams. All government colleges have affordable fees structure for poor/middle-class families. Whereas Private colleges have variable fees depending on the college varying from 80 lacs to >1 crore. The integrity of medical knowledge is highly variable and depends on the teaching and training standards of the colleges. 

Who is a real doctor?

  • Few private colleges are distributing medical degrees without meeting standard norms or knowledge which is required to treat a patient. In India, due lack of doctors. Quacks, native medicine practitioners (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Siddha etc.) are practising modern medicine. So, it’s very difficult to check the level of knowledge.
  • Indian government fail to stop medical malpractice, the safety of good practitioners, level of knowledge of medical graduates before they are qualifying for the exams. It further promotes maltreatment & public fails to identify good doctors and standard practice. According to a few articles, Indian doctors are the most intelligent doctors in the world that are why most of the developed countries promote the immigration of Indian doctors (Saudi Arabia, the UK, the USA, Russia, Singapore etc.)
  • Because of malpractice & quacks, good doctors are not able to build rapport in the rural community. Even the media is promoting malpractice with the name of doctors. Which creates a bad impression of the doctors to society. For the public in India – quack is equivalent to MBBS /MD/MS they can’t identify it. I have seen many professionals well educated, but don’t know the different types of doctors and levels of medical education. How can we expect a layman will identify a quack and a real doctor?
  • Now it’s almost everyone’s mind doctors means they will take money for nothing. And on the other hand, doctors immediately identify such a mindset and stay professional which is not suitable for patient-doctor relationships. It’s called the patient-doctor relationship not “Patient Vs Doctor”. All well-educated doctors have enough knowledge to make a diagnosis and tell you the root cause of the problem.
  • The second problem arising in the mindset of the doctors – doctors lose trust in patients. Doctors treated by society in last decades – physical assault the on-duty doctors, increase in medicolegal cases against doctors. 99% of cases happen due to a lack of medical knowledge and provocation by advocates or other doctors to earn money. So, the doctors who are working for good or wanted to make a change for the better are losing hope.
  • The undeniable fact is that few doctors are involved in malpractice, unethical surgeries, and money laundering which is ruining the nobleness of the medical profession. All the above-mentioned practices are running in other professions including like judiciary & Law, administration etc. which can be controlled by the government of India.
  • Having good health is the right of every person, it should be free or cheaply available to the citizen. Becoming a good doctor needed many sacrifices, as people who saw can imagine. Here I can’t explain, but irrespective of anything everyone deserves happiness and healthy life.
  • In the last decades in India, real doctor aspirants are reduced, due to increases in physical assaults on doctors and nurses, long medical course duration, high levels of stress during the course, and poor quality of life despite being a doctor. Last decades many doctors emigrated to other countries for better quality and respect in the community.



Dr Awaneesh Katiyar MBBS, MS, MCh, PGDDM


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