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Area of interest

  1. Trauma Resuscitation
  2. Trauma Limb Reconstruction Surgeries
  3. Advancement of Medical Technologies
  4. Trauma Scoring System
  5. Impact of trauma/ Accident on society
  6. Surgical management of Flail chest – Fixation of ribs
  7. Traumatic Vascular Surgery

Original Articles & Case reports

Title Research Publications
1. Effect of Melatonin on Lymphocytes in HIV Patients – Conference Proceeding (Published in Australian Medical Journal 2009)
2. Conference Proceedings – Incidences of thoracic trauma in tertiary Level Trauma centre – Northeast India
3. Conference Proceedings – New Trauma score: Trauma Severity Score – to assess mortality and morbidity in trauma patients
4. Rare case report – Reverse Suspension Syndrome: First report of a novel mechanism of severe trauma  
5. Case report – An unusual mechanism of hook impalement injury- A case report  
6. Rare case report – A successful off-pump cardiac repair following blunt cardiac rupture – A case report  
7. Original Article – Risk factors and Current Trends in Maxillofacial Trauma 
8. Original Article – Early Extremity Reconstruction in Trauma: A Trauma Surgeon’s Perspective
9. Rare case report – D2 Gastroduodenostomy – A rare case report
10. Case Report – Salvage of Injured Lower Limb and Improvement of Quality of Life of a 1½-Year-Old Child
11. Original Article – Bacteriological Study of Varicose Vein Specimens

12. Rare Case Report – Elephant Attack Survivor – A rare case report with Review of Literature

Outcome analysis of operative versus non-operative management in multiple rib fractures: a prospective comparative study  – Under Process


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