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General Trauma

Multiple Choice Questions

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The signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax include respiratory distress, absent breath sounds on the affected side, distended neck veins and:

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A 45-year-old patient with a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage and evidence of increased intracranial pressure is being Which of the following findings demonstrates treatment goals are being met?

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Which of the following patients is an appropriate candidate for a resuscitative thoracotomy?

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A subdural hematoma is commonly associated with

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A 35-year-old female arrives to the trauma centre from the scene of a single-car rollover motor vehicle crash. What laboratory studies should be included in her baseline hematologic studies?

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Which value of the arterial blood gas is useful in estimating the severity of the acute perfusion deficit in a patient with hemorrhagic shock?

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What is FAST?

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Blunt or penetrating chest trauma that lacerates lung tissue, intercostal vessels or an internal mammary artery will cause which type of injury?

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Which of the following patients is an appropriate candidate for replantation of a traumatically amputated extremity?

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What is the most common type of trauma

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The following vital signs are obtained on a 78-year-old trauma patient with a history of cardiac disease who has been diagnosed with a right hemothorax, fractured pelvis and intra-abdominal bleeding: BP 90/60 HR 78, RR What is the most accurate interpretation of these vital signs?

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Which of the following multiply injured patients would be at the greatest risk for disturbances in coagulation within the first hour of injury?

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The patient has a knife wound to the right anterior lateral Neck. The patient is talking; maintaining airway patency and ventilation. Increased swelling to the injury area is noted upon assessment. The resuscitative team should plan for immediate:

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An 8-year-old injured child has received several boluses of fluid to address signs of shock. Which of the following assessment findings would indicate a return to hemodynamic stability?

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Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of compartment syndrome?

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A contusion is discovered on the right lateral area of a 76-year-old patient's chest. Oxygen is applied and the patient remains short of breath, tachypneic, and oxygen saturation is 93%. The subsequent intervention should be:

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Which of the following subtle signs of blood loss in a 7-year-old trauma patient who is already tachycardic, should heighten the concern that the child is experiencing hypovolemic shock?

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Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between the body surface area of an adult and a pediatric burn patient according to the Rule of Nines?

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Fluid of choice in trauma

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A trauma patient arrives with the following signs and symptoms: decreased breath sounds on right side, HR 110, cool skin, GCS 14 (E4, V4, M6) and abdominal tenderness. Which two signs and symptoms are the earliest indication that this patient is in shock until proven otherwise?

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A 35-year-old patient arrives at the level 1 trauma centre after being punched several times in the torso. The primary survey findings: BP 110/80, P 100, RR 20, mildly anxious, with abdominal tenderness on palpation. Which of the following actions can you anticipate next?

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Key elements and the correct sequence of the initial assessment in the emergency department include but are not limited to:

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A patient is placed on a cardiac monitor that shows sinus tachycardia with premature ventricular contractions and ST segment changes after a motor vehicle crash with airbag deployment. What will you suspects:

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A 3-year-old is extricated from a vehicle after a motor vehicle crash. What consideration is given to pediatric spinal immobilization?

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A trauma patient arrives with the following signs and symptoms found during the primary survey: significantly decreased breath sounds on the right side, BP of 90/52, HR 130, RR 36 and laboured with cool skin, GCS 14 (E4, V4, M6) and abdominal Which intervention or diagnostic study listed below has the highest priority?

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The relative incidence of hollow visceral perforation, lumbar spinal injuries, and uterine rupture increases with which of the following?

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A patient is brought to the Emergency Department with extensive maxillofacial He suddenly develops severe respiratory distress and audible stridor. The anatomy of his pharynx is difficult to distinguish due to haemorrhage and oedema. Control of the airway may best be obtained initially by performing:

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In which patient is it appropriate to clear their cervical spine by clinical examination?

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Urinary output is an important clinical observation of a patient in shock since it reflects:

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When multiple victims are present at the scene of a major trauma incident, the highest priority is given to:

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With regard to neck injuries, which of the following is true?

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Which serious injury is the most difficult to assess in a patient with a spinal cord injury due to lack of pain sensation?

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A 9-year-old child from a motor vehicle crash arrived at the trauma centre 30 minutes The second bolus of crystalloid fluid is almost complete. The patient’s vital signs are BP 76/53, HR 142, and RR 22. Based on these vital signs, what is the next appropriate intervention?

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The driver of a high-speed MVC is brought to the emergency He has 2 large-bore IVs infusing warmed normal saline. He has a sudden onset of tachycardia, persistent hypotension, distended neck veins and muffled heart tones. These clinical findings are most likely related to what condition?

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During the primary survey, a trauma patient who was involved in a rear impact motor vehicle crash becomes Which initial technique is appropriate to secure a definitive airway in this patient?

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A multiply injured trauma patient arrives with vital signs of a BP 80/42, P 142 and thready, RR Resuscitation is initiated. A gross deformity to the left lower leg with no palpable pulse is found. What technique can be used to confirm extremity circulation?

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The combination of hypotension with neck vein distention in the acutely-injured patient:

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A young construction worker falls 2 stories from a building and sustains bilateral calcaneal fractures, in the emergency department, his primary survey has been completed and he is alert, vital signs are stable, and he is complaining of severe pain in both legs and lower back. Lower extremity pulses are strong and there is no visible deformity. The next appropriate diagnostic study you should anticipate is:

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All of the following are clinical indications of inhalation injury may warrant immediate endotracheal intubation except?

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A pulse oximeter measures:

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A pelvis fracture has been identified on a patient who is 32-week What other injury of the fetus is commonly associated with this fracture?

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A trauma patient arrives to the ED after being submerged in cold water following a motor vehicle crash. The patient’s core body temperature is 6 F (27). All of the following interventions for treating the hypothermic patient are correct except:

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What is the main focus of treatment for patients suspected of having a severe brain injury?

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During serial examinations, an intubated trauma patient developed dilated pupils and does not respond to painful stimuli. Which of the following interventions would be most  appropriate actions to take?

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